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Landing Page vs. Product Page: Benefits of Each Explained

Landing pages and product pages both have important roles to play on your website. Learn the benefits of each and how they can be used on your site.

Landing pages and product pages are key elements to designing a great e-commerce website. The problem is that they’re sometimes referred to interchangeably, when in fact they are two distinct web pages. In this guide, we’ll highlight the differences between product pages and landing pages, why you need both for your e-commerce site, and provide some tips on how to make them as effective as possible.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a standalone web page created for a specific marketing or advertising campaign. Its primary purpose is to capture visitors' attention, generate leads, or prompt a specific action, such as subscribing to a newsletter, filling out a form, downloading digital content, and more. 

What is a Product Page?

A product page is specifically designed to showcase and provide detailed information about a particular product or service. Its primary goal is to convert visitors into customers by providing them with comprehensive details, specifications, pricing, and purchasing options. This is where visitors to your site learn about a specific product and proceed to purchase.

Landing Page vs. Product Page

Landing pages and product pages may be very similar in style but they tend to differ greatly in practice. Let’s compare the two web pages closely.

Conversion and Metrics

The success of a product page is measured by the number of conversions it generates, such as completed purchases or subscriptions. Conversion rate optimization (CRO) techniques are often applied to product pages to enhance the likelihood of converting visitors into customers.

On the other hand, landing pages are specifically built to optimize conversions for a specific marketing campaign. The success of a landing page is evaluated by its conversion rate, which measures how many visitors take the desired action compared to the total number of visitors.


Product pages focus on presenting detailed information about a specific product or service. They typically include product descriptions, features, specifications, high-quality images or videos, customer reviews, pricing details, and purchasing options.

Landing pages are generally more focused and concise in terms of content. They are designed to deliver a specific message or offer related to the marketing campaign. The content is often tailored to persuade visitors to take a specific action, with a clear call-to-action (CTA).


Product pages often have navigational elements and links to other related products or categories within a website. They provide a more comprehensive browsing experience, allowing visitors to explore more products or services and increase the likelihood of an additional purchase.

Landing pages, in contrast, are designed to minimize distractions and focus visitors' attention solely on the campaign's objective. They typically have minimal navigation options, removing links to other parts of the website, and foregoing external links that could divert visitors away from the intended action.

Why You Need Both Landing Pages and Product Pages

Since landing pages and product pages have distinct purposes, you should include both on your website.  

If your business is focused on selling products or services, product pages are crucial in order to generate sales. Online sales account for 16% of all retail purchases, representing a 300% growth since 2001. In that time, titans like Amazon have revolutionized the way products are sold online. Consumers are accustomed to a certain layout when it comes to buying products online. They expect to see a photo of the product, read reviews, and click an “Add to Cart” button when they’re ready to buy. 

Landing pages help customers learn more about your business and increase the likelihood they’ll buy from you in the first place. Consumers are more conscious than ever about what they buy and who they buy it from. A great landing page can create a positive first impression of your business and, if done successfully, provides you with a way to retarget them and increase the likelihood of them making a purchase.

By incorporating both product pages and landing pages on your website, you can provide comprehensive product information, optimize conversions for specific campaigns, align sales and marketing efforts, and generate leads. This holistic approach enhances the user experience, increases conversion rates, and ultimately contributes to the overall success of your business.

What Should Be on a Landing Page?

The design and content of a landing page directly influence how well the page converts. Here are some key features to include when designing a landing page.

  1. Strong Headline: The headline should be attention-grabbing and convey the primary benefit or message of your offer. It should immediately communicate the value proposition and entice visitors to keep reading, i.e. “Where to buy our product.”
  2. Engaging Subheading: A supporting subheading can provide additional context, expand on the headline, and further capture visitors' interest. It should reinforce the value proposition and motivate them to explore the page further.
  3. Compelling Visuals: Incorporate high-quality, relevant visuals such as images, videos, or graphics that align with your offer. Visuals can help communicate your message, evoke emotions, and engage visitors. Using the example of showing customers where to buy your product, a store locator with an interactive map would be a powerful and persuasive visual.
  4. Persuasive Copy: The body of the landing page should consist of persuasive, benefit-focused copy that clearly communicates the unique selling points of your offer. Highlight the key features, benefits, and value that visitors will receive by taking the desired action. Remember, landing pages should be more concise than product pages, so don’t get too verbose.
  5. Singular Call-to-Action (CTA): Visitors should know exactly what action to take when visiting your landing page. Help them out by placing a prominent call-to-action button or link that stands out on the page. Make sure it clearly communicates the desired action you want visitors to take, such as "Sign up now," “Find our product near you,” or “See where to buy.” The CTA should be compelling, actionable, and create a sense of urgency when appropriate.

What Should Be on a Product Page?

Product pages also need to be carefully designed in order to generate sales. Here are some key elements to include when building a product page.

  1. Clean Layout: Since product pages generally feature a great deal of information, a clean and visually appealing layout is a must. Information should be organized neatly so visitors can easily take in details about your product or service. 
  2. Persuasive Copy: The copy on your product page should be informative and descriptive about your product or service. The copy should also be persuasive and focus on the benefits your customer will enjoy when using your product.
  3. Compelling Visuals: Include photos or graphics of your product so customers can see what they’ll be buying. Videos and user-generated visuals are especially valuable on a product page.
  4. Social Proof: Share customer reviews and testimonials on your product page. Authentic reviews from customers are unmatched when it comes to influencing sales. Install a widget or ask for direct testimonials from previous customers to include on your product page.
  5. Product Locator: Integrating a product locator on your product page helps boost in-store sales by helping customers find your product near them. This helps boost your brick-and-mortar sales and improves relationships with retailers.
  6. Primary Call-to-Action: The primary CTA for a product page should be “Purchase” or “Add to Cart.” You can include other CTAs on this page, like encouraging visitors to sign up for a newsletter, but keep these to a minimum. The primary focus should be on driving a sale.

Learn more: 7 Must-Haves of a Successful Product Landing Page (+ Examples)

Landing pages and product pages both have important roles to play on your website. Remember, your website can be one of your best sales and marketing tools if you invest time and effort into making it great. By leveraging both your product and landing pages properly, you’ll not only see leads increase but also sales and revenue. 

A Product Locator is a great way to drive in-store sales and gather valuable analytics about your customers. The Grappos Product Locator is simple to integrate and is completely managed by the Grappos team. Interested in learning more about how a Product Locator can boost your sales? Request a Product Locator demo today →

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Eric Kunisawa

Founder & CEO

Eric Kunisawa is the founder of Grappos. He's been successfully helping businesses connect customers with their products since 2008.

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